Saturday, December 28, 2013

Feliz Navidad Everyone! Okay so this week I have some stories for yall! So I think I have mentioned that Hermana Monroy is one of the Sister Training leaders. This means that she has to go on splits with some of the other Hermanas. Well this week we did our first overnight split. I went and became Hermana Del Pino's companion and her comp came to our area and was Hermana Monroy's comp. Well Hna Del Pino and I went to one appointment. IT was this older couple. The wife is a less active member and the Hermanas are teaching her husband. Well they are an interesting couple... I dont really know who to discribe them but lets just say I was having a really hard time following the conversation because they would just start talking about random things. I think I have mentioned that some people here find my name really hard to say. I have learned to respond to everything from Hermana to Hermana Ash to Hermana Aaakdlañkeetlhlf. But thanks to this Hermana I have a new name to add to that list.... Hermana Güera.... which basically translates to Sister white-girl..... thanks Hermana...... So after the lesson the Hermana goes, "hey Hemana Güera, my husband recieved a letter, but it is in english. can you help us read it?" I tell them that I can try, thinking that it is a personal letter or something... but no they pull out a letter from the Social Security Administration!!!!! I guess the Hermano lived in Texas for a while and is recieving money and he needs to fill out this form to make sure that he still qualifies for the benifits or something.... WHAT!?!?!?! It was difficult but I finally get the answers we need, and I turn over the paper and read the part about it being pergery (i have no idea how to spell that...) if you knowingly put wrong information on this form.... man I sure hope it was all correct!!! Another story: So Hna Monroy and I were walking down the street one day. She was on the phone with someone in the office and we walk past this lady standing on the street corner. I say good afternoon to her and she starts talking to me! Okay noone ever talks to me, they always talk to Hna Monroy. So Hna Monroy walks away a few steps have a proud mama moment because her little girl is contacting by herself... So the lady tells me this story about how her brother is in the hospital and she wants me to buy nailpolish so she can help pay for stuff. I explane that I did not have any money with me (it was in my other bag) but that I had an invitation for her. I then explaned that we were missionaries and invited her to church. She starts telling about her brother again so I respond with "We (meaning Hna Monroy and I) can keep him in our prayers"... I guess that is not what came out of my mouth... what I actually said was "We can pray for him." to which the lady goes "Okay" and closes her eyes and bows her head!!!!!!! Okay I dont know how I would tactfully get out of this situation in English let alone in Spanish!!!!!!!!!!! I send a panicked look at Hna Monroy and she is busy ignoring me.... SO I prayed with the lady on the street corner......... yep. I. did. oh foreign missionary problems When Hna Monroy found out what happened she was laughing so hard I am suprised she could breath. and when I tried to tell the Elders later that night I was laughing so hard I was crying! Everyone I am so greatful for all of your support, love and prayers! I miss you all, but I am also really greatful for the chance to be with my "mission family" this season. And I really do have a family here! I have a mission mama, brothers, sisters and a grandma. I am even an aunt! But even more than that I have a Heavenly Father who knows me perfectly and who I can be in constant communication with and an older brother Jesus Christ who knows exactly how I am feeling. I hope we all remember the true reason for this season. I love all of you! -Hermana Ashcraft

1 comment:

  1. Found the blog! Now I get to see all the pictures! So excited.
