Thursday, December 5, 2013

HEy Everyone! first off I am going to say sorry. This keyboard is really wierd so i keep hitting wrong keys.... and because i am writing in english the computer is telling me that everyword is wrong... so this might be a little interesting. So I got here in Mnterrey on Monday and the hermanas spent the first night at the mission president´s house. Tuesday we met our companions! My companion is Hermana Monroy. She is from Sonora, Mexico. She is shorter than me, but not as short a Hna Schaser :) . She has 1 sister and 2 brothers. She does not speak much english. She knows some words so sometimes she can help me come up with a word, but not always. Honestly our communicaton is so funny! If people saw us sometimes trying to communicate they would think we were crazy! we use hand motions, other more simple words, sound effects, pointing... you name it we have probably tried it! Right now our house is covered with post-its that have what the object is in spanish (for me) and english (for her). She has been serving for 13 months. We were assigned to serve in the area Anahuac B in the zone Anahuac. We are opening a new area. Before we were here there was just one area called Anahuac with one set of elders, so the area was split and we are in area B and Elder Soto and Elder Humiston (from my district in the MTC) are in area A. We see them a lot! Expecially because we actually live in their area. We have been visiting the members and trying to build a friendship with them. This Barrio is awesome! Everyone is really into missionary work and want ot help us! We eat at a members house everyday except p-day. Speaking of p-day. NOrmally p-day is mondays, but when we have transfers it changes so we can go to the temple on wednesday. Here are a few experiences: -We had a baptism of Luz, a lady that the elders have been teaching! We were the ones waiting to help her after and watching from the side! It was SOOOOOO awesome! -I have been stuffed into a metro that was so full that I could have not fallen over if I had wanted to!!!!!! Welcome to mexico :) -I have no idea what people are saying! I feel like I am back in the MTC those first few days wahen people are talking to me but I dont know what they are saying.... only this time they are not talking slowly and clearly.... that is hard. -We started teaching a young man, Antonio. He is awesome! It is so wierd working with real people! -My camera disappeared the second day here :( ...... Welcome to Mexico.... guess what my Christmas Present is going to be... -There is not really sidewalks so we walk in the street and cross where ever we want.... that is wierd -you can tell who has spent time in the USA by if they buckle their seatbelt or not.... I always do! The driving here is CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there has been a few times where i thought i was going to DIE!!!!!!!! -I have 7 moskito bites on my legs at the moment....... it has been in the 30°´s here the past few days.... and will go back down to 5° by the weekend OK I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! Love, Hemana Ashcraft

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